Fjell strive to make the world a little bit greener.
Wastewater treatment - Rest raw materials - CO2 -capture - Energy saving - Novel raw materials
Strategy and Vision
Fjell Technology Group will strive to make the world a little bit greener through sustainable technology & solutions
Fjell Technology Group has anchored in its strategy to be an important contributor in the circular economy within residual waste.
Today Fjell is one of the leading suppliers of technology and processing equipment for residual raw materials. Deploying such technology for making use of all parts of the fish means that fish processing plants significantly reduce their levels of waste as well as providing the best solutions for the "second value chain".

Our contribution to the circular economy
Fjell supplies both processing equipment and complete facilities for the production of fishmeal and fish oil from fish offal, bycatch and fish catch of small pelagic species. In addition, the company supplies wastewater treatment systems for fish processing facilities, fish slaughterhouses and fish farming facilities. Our third major business area is the dewatering and drying of sludge from municipal water treatment plants and biogas plants.
In general, we can say that the core of our business is the processing of residual raw materials. Dewatering and drying of residual raw material ensures that the residual raw material becomes storage-stable, hygienic, and that the residual raw material can be transported without water to a customer who can start a new value chain - Technology for value circle.

Future Fjell contributions to the circular economy
Fjell has several ongoing research and development projects at all times. All are aimed at expanding and strengthening the technology platform for the circular economy. Our common goal should be to eradicate the concept of waste. Everything can become a resource if it is produced correctly from the right materials and in combination with technology to recover the materials.
CO2-capture technology
Already in november 2020 Fjell sold a CO2-capture technology to a global energy company. Fjell is still deeply involved in realizing the potential of- and commercializing the technology. In addition, Fjell is working on developing another CO2-capture technology (MBCL) together with our partners SINTEF and NTNU.
Both technologies have their unique advantages compared to conventional CO2 capture solutions that are on the market today. The CO2 capture technologies Fjell is helping to develop will both strengthen the technology platform for capturing CO2 from industrial flue gas emissions.
New Value chains for dried sludge
Fjell has ongoing projects on dried sludge from fishfarms were we aim to develope a new value chain for dried sludge. Today the fishfarmers pay to get rid of their sludge, while this Fjell technology platform will make dried sludge a valuable resource the fishfarmers get paid for.
Energy saving
Fjell has patented two different consept for drying of rest raw materials that can save up to 40% energy compared to conventional dryer plants.
Hydrogen production
Fjell has ongoing R&D-projects that will strengthen the technology platform for production of Hydrogen.

FTG has a strategy of having high levels of expertise in engineering and project management. The purpose is to be able to offer R&D for customers and partners, when customers do not have the necessary knowledge, resources or competence. At the same time, FTG wants to be able to carry out project follow-up and deliveries, in order to offer comprehensive solutions. FTG therefore often join forces with a range of collaboation partners.
Through incremental improvement, as well as occasionally radical solutions, the products have a top-of-the-range standard. This applies to both material improvements and technical design – so that energy efficiency and lifetime are optimized.
The vision is operationalized through a program for continuous improvement. Before the work is started, an understanding of specified delivery is ensured. Tasks and risks are defined, while at the same time setting an agreed plan for progress, requirements and expectations. Importantly, risk is defined in connection with execution.
In order to ensure delivery, management follows closely on various KPIs, as well as learning after completion. Process descriptions and plans is key to ensure a delivery better than expectations.

Values and HSEQ:
Fjell Technology Group has Knowlegable, Courageous, and Team player as our core values.
For living up to these values, we place a strong focus on HSEQ. We will build trust with our clients and we will create security, well being ad predictability forour emplyees. For FTG it is important to work preventively and systematically with HSEQ, and we believe that this work will strengthen our competitveness. We deliver all our products according to customers expectations and according to statutory requirements and technical standards.Last but not least: we strive to be environmental friendly, meaning we sort our waste, we are identifying our environmental aspects for an improvement plan and we make demands on our suppliers.