Our company
Knowledgeable - Team Players - Brave
Technology for value circle
Fjell Technology Group Fjell has anchored in its strategy to be an important contributor in the circular economy within residual waste.
Today we are one of the leading suppliers of technology towards processing equipment for residual raw materials. Deploying such technology for making use of all parts of the fish means that fish processing plants significantly reduce their levels of waste as well as providing the best solutions for the "second value chain".
In addition to working with the fish processing industry, Fjell Technology Group also delivers technology to recycle sludge from aquaculture and municipal waste plants. For MWWT plants Fjell deliver solutions for both full- and part drying. Full dried sludge is used as additives in fertiliser products while partially dried sludge is used as fuel in incineration plants.

We aim to deliver total process solutions for our customers. To be able to offer high-quality, cost-effective solutions, as well as keeping costs down, the organization is built around key people - all with a high level of expertise in their respective areas. Production is mainly outsourced to partners in Poland or the Baltics.
Fjell Technology Group put great emphasis on the HSEQ work and keep continuous focus on high quality at all stages of the business.
Through the values Knowledgeable, Team Players and Brave, the pursuit of the vision is implemented. Fjell will deliver innovative and sustainable products and processing plants to ensure tomorrow’s solutions.
Fjell has a strategy of having a high level of expertise in engineering and project management. The purpose is to be able to offer R&D for customers and partners, when customers do not have the necessary knowledge. At the same time, FTG wants to be able to carry out project follow-up and deliveries, in order to offer comprehensive solutions. FTG therefore often join forces with a range of cooperative companies.
FTG delivers state of the art equipment to for the best possible utilization of raw material, whether it is fish waste, different types of biorest or municipal sludge.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals serves as guidline for our sustainability practise. They are divided into social, economic and environmental goals.
Fjell Technology Group humbly believe to have products and technology that can contribute to reach the environmentally sustainable development goals. In recognition that activities within one area will affect the other areas, Fjell Technology Group will also monitor an optimise its contribution in the social and economic area.
As a contribution in the wider context, we have included points 9, 11, 12 og 14 from the UN's sustainability goals in our strategy.

QHSE-policy Fjell Technology Group AS

Fjell Technology Group AS has a strong focus on safeguarding HSE in our operations. We will create trust with our clients and we will create safety, well-being and predictability for our employees. For Fjell Technology Group AS, it is important to work preventively and systematically with HSE, and we believe that this work strengthens our competitiveness. As a minimum, we meet the requirements of the Act relating to HSE, and look at opportunities to meet HSE-related needs beyond the regulated requirements.

We shall do our utmost to deliver the work according to the customer's wishes and shall at all times know and comply with the requirements of the legislation and technical standards. We will focus on continuously improving. Our employees will contribute to this by being solution-oriented and innovative. We will frequenty check the market for new opportunities and ensure that our employees have the right expertise.

External Environment
We shall always focus on working in a way that minimizes our companys environmental footprint. The waste will be sorted with the aim of maximizing the potential for recycling our waste. We will prevent pollution by trying to find new solutions to reduce our waste. We will be an environmentally friendly and resource-conscious company. Fjell Technology Group will annually identify and review our environmental aspects, and make plans to improve our environmental performance. We shall know the environmental regulations and always comply with this.
Want to use our test facilities?
Through Design Thinking - FTG make the best effort in drying residuals in order to keep the most of the nutrition intact. In some cases we use vacuum to lower temperature in the process, mantaining protein or nitrogen and other valuable substances for further use.